Wednesday, September 12


Although this is a fashion blog, I believe that there are many other factors which are important to the Fashion Industry. Even make up and hairstyle have their own trends, however I am here to tell you about my favourite perfume of all time! 

Perfume is very important, and the famous quote from Coco Chanel -

“A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future.”

just shows how important perfume can be. 
When you walk into an interview, yes the interviewer will look at your and your appearance can mean a lot. However, recently in an interview I was wearing Prada Candy, and the woman interviewing me asked what perfume I was wearing and it became a real talking point. 

Prada Candy is the most gorgeous perfume ever. It has a really sweet smell and will bring you plenty of compliments.
Although it may be a bit pricey and cost more than other perfumes, see it as an investment into a new job.
I'm sure I'll get bored of Prada Candy someday so let me know of any other perfumes you think are worth trying.
