Thursday, August 30

Shopping trip ...

I went to Liverpool with my best friend and she managed to walk away with £20 worth, whereas my bank account had taken a serious beating. Liverpool One is the shopping centre in the center of Liverpool and it has high street and premium retailers such as Mango, Zara, Pandora, Lipsy, John Lewis, Urban Outfitters and many many stores. It is impossible to leave Liverpool One without your plastic friend being forced into chip and pin machines left right and center. 

I went into Zara to find the £80 jacket I had wanted for so long. I know its a lot for a jacket but its a classic staple for my wardrobe. I loved the jacket so much (and me being so indecisive) I walked out of Zara with two. One red and one white. Both jackets have gold buttons and are absolutely stunning. They fit perfectly, even though Zara sizing is just bizarre and they look so elegant and Chanel-like.  

I have a slight addiction to shopping. I spend every penny I have on clothes. If you are like me and just cannot help purchasing everything you see, comment and tell me what you have recently purchased. 
