Tuesday, April 16

River Islands' 20% off

So today was the first day of River Islands' 20% off day! I woke up and just had to get down there. Considering it was 20% off for students, the shops didn't seem to be very busy, but maybe we were just there too early for students! Anyway, there was so many thing I liked but living on a budget, I said to myself - you can only buy one! So it was between a lime green shirt or this clutch bag. 

I first saw this clutch bag when I was in Derby Westfield shopping last week, and I thought it was amazing! It is so unique, mixing the gold and the silver studs together, and it can be used for a night out or a casual summer day. I also bought this top from H&M. I have been looking at it for ages, but they had never had my size, so when I saw it today I just had to get it. 

The River Island clutch was £30 (£24 with 20% off). The H&M top was £7.99. 
