Monday, November 26

Black Mongolian Bag at RI

River Island always is my favourite retailer for bags. They offer the most incredible styles and textures. I have the most unique bags from RI; a peacock feather bag, 3 mongolian fur bags and a variety of other furry bags. This bag is £120, but is totally worth it! If I manage to save up over Christmas I will have to treat myself to this bag. 

It is the perfect size if you like oversized handbags. I love big bags. For me, they complete my outfit. If you're the kind of person who likes a small dainty bag, small enough to just take out your basics (keys, phone, purse) - then this bag is not for you. 

I cannot wait to work in River Island this Christmas. I love River Island and shopping within their stores. I will get to see the products first-hand, be in the store all day and get paid for it! Perfect!
