Saturday, March 23

30 years for Diet Coke

As Diet Coke turns 30 - Marc Jacobs was recently named Creative Director of this fizzy drink and to design cans to celebrate the drinks birthday! These cans have Marcs style all over them, from the polka dots to the colour palette. He is the Creative Director for Louis Vuitton and also designing for his own brands Marc Jacobs and his diffusion line Marc by Marc Jacobs, he is amazing at what he does and seems to amaze me every season with his collections. 

I have never seen such glamorous coke bottles in my life!
This is one of the images of the marketing campaign for the Diet Coke, Marc Jacobs collaboration.  


Beyonce for H&M

H&M uses some of the most current celebrities to launch their SS ranges,  and this year it has been revealed that Beyonce is the new face of H&M. I have to say that I am glad to see a real woman actually be the model for the campaign instead of size 6 curveless girls. 

I can't wait to see H&M's summer collection, as they always have such affordable, on trend pieces. With Beyonce as the face of the campaign, H&M is bound to be full of customers desperate for these pieces.
